Plugin Documentation

A Labrador Plugin is the primary way for your code to interact with Labrador. It provides a way for you to group code and share it with not only your application but others. We typically expect a Plugin to do one or more of the following things:

All Plugins, except potentially those you custom create, are defined by an interface. It is up to you to implement any combination of those interfaces as necessary for your Plugin. All of the interfaces are explicitly scoped to be as easy to implement as possible.

We'll demonstrate how to use each of the provided interfaces by implementing a simple analytics tracking plugin that records when an Engine boots up and when specific events happen in your Application.

First, let's assume that we have an implementation of the following interface:


interface AnalyticsTracker {

    public function record(string $eventName, array $eventData) : \Amp\Promise;


We'll call that implementation AnalyticsTrackerImpl. Let's create an InjectorAwarePlugin to register this implementation in our object graph.


use Cspray\Labrador\Plugin\InjectorAwarePlugin;
use Auryn\Injector;

class AnalyticsTrackerInjectorPlugin implements InjectorAwarePlugin {
    public function wireObjectGraph(Injector $injector) : void {
        $injector->alias(AnalyticsTracker::class, AnalyticsTrackerImpl::class); 

{% include message.html message_type="is-info" title="Auryn Injector" body="If you're unsure what the above code does you should take a look over the Auryn Injector documentation." %}

Next, we'll create a Plugin that implements several interfaces to provide the rest of the described functionality.


use Cspray\Labrador\Engine;
use Cspray\Labrador\Plugin\PluginDependentPlugin;
use Cspray\Labrador\Plugin\EventAwarePlugin;
use Cspray\Labrador\Plugin\BootablePlugin;
use Cspray\Labrador\AsyncEvent\Emitter;
use Cspray\Labrador\AsyncEvent\Event;
use Amp\Promise;
use function Amp\call;

class AnalyticsTrackerPlugin implements PluginDependentPlugin, EventAwarePlugin, BootablePlugin {

    private $analyticsTracker;
    private $listenerIds = [];

    public static function dependsOn() : array{
        return [

    public function __construct(AnalyticsTracker $analyticsTracker) {
        $this->analyticsTracker = $analyticsTracker; 

    public function registerEventListeners(Emitter $emitter) : void {
        $this->listenerIds[] = $emitter->on("your-app-event-ns.order_completed", function(Event $event) {
            $order = $event->target();
            yield $this->analyticsTracker->record("order_completed", [
                'order_id' => $order->getId(),
                'user_id' => $order->getUserId() 

        $this->listenerIds[] = $emitter->on(Engine::ENGINE_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, function(Event $event) {
            yield $this->analyticsTracker->record("application_shutdown", [
                'time' => time() 

    public function removeEventListeners(Emitter $emitter) : void {
        foreach ($this->listenerIds as $listenerId) {

    public function boot() : Promise {
        return call(function() {
            yield $this->anayticsTracker->record("application_startup", [
                'time' => time() 

Finally, we attach this to a Pluggable implementation, Pluggable::registerPlugin(AnalyticsTrackerPlugin::class), and call Pluggable::loadPlugins(). If you're attaching your Plugin to an Application and passing it to Engine::run then calling loadPlugins is taken care of for you.

The example above demonstrates how you can separate out your Plugin's dependencies from what your Plugin does in a way that leads to an easily testable Plugin and dependencies that could potentially be utilized by other Plugins or Applications. Additionally, as your Plugin starts to grow in complexity you could refactor so that the boot and event tracking code are their own Plugins.


Perhaps the above is not suitable for your use case and you need to implement your own custom Plugin that implements its own loading process. The Pluggable::registerPluginLoadHandler allows you to accomplish this by invoking a callback during the loading process for any Plugin that matches the type assigned to the handler. This handler is allowed to be asynchronous and can return a Promise or a Generator and it will resolve to completion.

If you are making use of the Pluggable::removePlugin method and need your Plugin to execute a corresponding unload procedure take a look at a Pluggable::registerPluginRemoveHandler.

Plugin Loading Process

When the Plugin's Pluggable has its loadPlugins method invoked each Plugin registered with the Pluggable will go through the loading process. This process happens linearly; meaning that each Plugin is loaded in its entirety before the next Plugin is started. Some aspects of this process can execute asynchronous code.

While each responsibility of a Plugin is handled by its own interface it is certainly possible to implement all of them. Or perhaps you're implementing your own Pluggable (have you taken a look at PluginManager?). In either of these cases it might be important to know in what order each method will be called. Plugins SHOULD BE loaded in a specific order. This order is guaranteed when using provided Labrador implementations of Pluggable and should be implemented in your own Pluggable.

It is highly recommended that you review the API Documentation for the Pluggable interface as it describes in detail the expected loading process.

Next up is the Engine, the piece that makes your Application run.

{% include previous_article_name="Applications" next_article_name="Engines" %}