Core Documentation

The documentation for Labrador Kennel Core so that you can become familiar with developing for the internal packages or creating your own applications on top of Labrador Kennel. This package contains all of the "low-level" concepts including Plugins, Applications, and Engines.


You should install all Labrador packages through Composer.

composer require cspray/labrador

Quick Start

After installing, the quickest way to get started is to take advantage of the provided script that generates your app skeleton for you. In a terminal, inside the directory that you installed Labrador run the following command:

vendor/bin/labrador-app-skeleton YourVendor\\AppName 

{% include message.html message_type="is-warning" title="Labrador App Skeleton" body="This tool is still in its early stages and assumes some defaults that will be configurable at a later date" %}

Upon successful execution that should leave you with a directory structure that looks like the following.

- resources/
    - config/
- src/
- test/
- app
- composer.json
- composer.lock
- phpunit.xml.dist

The first file you'll want to take a look at is in src/Application.php. It should resemble the following:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace YourVendor\AppName;

use Cspray\Labrador\AbstractApplication;
use Amp\Promise;
use function Amp\call;

 * @package YourVendor\AppName
 * @license See LICENSE in source root 
class Application extends AbstractApplication {
    public function execute() : Promise {
        return call(function() {
             // Execute your Application logic here

As you can see the AbstractApplication takes care of a lot of the requirements for implementing an Application, leaving you with just executing your Application's business logic. Remember that you're operating within the context of an event loop. Additionally, the Application interface is also a LoggerAwareInterface and you have access to a PSR-3 compliant getLogger() implementation as well.

{% include message.html message_type="is-info" title="PSR-3 LoggerAwareInterface" body="The DependencyGraph object provided by Labrador includes the appropriate definitions so that each object created by the Injector that implements the LoggerAwareInterface will have the Logger set to it after object creation. If you do not use Labrador's DependencyGraph object you will be require to ensure this happens in your own code." %}

Next, it is important to understand how your dependencies are handled so check out src/DependencyGraph.php. It should look similar to the following.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace YourVendor\AppName;

use Auryn\Injector;
use Cspray\Labrador\Application as LabradorApplication;

 * @package MyTest\AppNamespace
 * @license See LICENSE in source root
class DependencyGraph {

    public function wireObjectGraph(Injector $injector = null) : Injector {
        $injector = $injector ?? new Injector();

        $injector->alias(LabradorApplication::class, Application::class);

        return $injector;


The out-of-the-box wiring simply ensures that whenever you instantiate a Labrador Application that your Application implementation is used and that we only ever create one of them. If your Application grows to need its own dependencies or your Plugins require advanced wiring you should evolve this class to adjust the object graph accordingly. Please be sure to read up on Auryn documentation if you have any questions about how to handle your dependencies.

Finally, you should review the configuration at resources/config/labrador_configuration.xml.

{% include message.html message_type="is-info" title="Configuration Formats" body="Is XML not really your cup of tea? No worries! Labrador also supports JSON and PHP configurations out-of-the-box. Please read Configuration documentation for more information on how you can use other formats." %}

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<labrador xmlns="">

Labrador's configuration is pretty straightforward and for the most part this shouldn't need to be adjusted. However, if you'd like auto-configuration and registering of your Plugins you'll need to add <plugin>FQN\Plugin</plugin> elements as appropriate.

Now you're ready to execute your application!

./app resources/config/labrador_configuration.php

You're certainly free to check out the app file and resources/config/injector_provider.php however these files shouldn't generally need to be modified in out-of-the-box operation. If you're already comfortable with Labrador's provided Configuration you should learn more about the Application.

{% include next_article_name="Configuration" %}